Full body cartonnage case of nb(t) pr T3hnms / Takhenmes (sometimes translated as the lady Takenmes) . With painted decoration and funerary inscriptions comprising decorated wig, fillet, scarab on top of head, floral collar and with on the body winged Hathor cow’s head, winged Horus and scenes of Osiris, Anubis, Horus, Thoth, winged Horus falcons and with Anubis jackals at feet. Split down back of case. Mummy removed and unwrapped by Naville, no amulets found.
1981/82: conserved at North West Museum Service. 1982: lent to British Museum for EES centenary exhibition. Fluctuating RH resulted in collapse throughout body of case. Some minor cracks repaired by BM Lab, but these repairs unsatisfactory. Cost of repair and reshaping claimed from BM insurance and paid over to North West Museum Service. 1983/87: case remained crated at Bolton. 1987/90: case at North West Museum Service, but little achieved. 31/1/1991: case delivered to R.& H. Jaeschke for conservation and reshaping. 1/7/1991: Case returned to Bolton Museum (lab. report on file).