Ancient Egyptian kohl pot lid from Abydos El Arabah dated 1800 – 1600 BC

A lid from an intact black green Serpentine Kohl pot. The lid is a disc of the same dimensions as the rim, with a solid lug in the centre to enable it to key into the neck of the rim. Hatching marks from the making of the vessel are visible on the underside of the rim and lid. The kohl pot is 1900.54.125.1 and the lid is 1900.54.125.2.

Ancient Egyptian kohl pot lid from Abydos El Arabah dated 1800 – 1600 BC

Object details

  • Reference: BOLMG:1900.54.125.3
  • Material: serpentine
  • Culture: Dynasty 13
  • Period: Middle Kingdom
  • Excavator: John Garstang
  • Dated: 1800 - 1600 BC
  • Object name: kohl pot lid
  • Dimensions: Length: 39mm , Width: 39mm , Depth: 10mm
  • Published references: Garstang J El Arabah 1900 1901
  • Site: Abydos
  • Latitude: 26.185
  • Longitude: 31.918889