Fragments of linen with a close weave. The warps are hard twisted, doubled yarns. Weft much finer and of single strands. The structure is well preserved. Fibre type A, well cleaned, fibres slighly pustulated.
Object details
- Reference: BOLMG:1930.33.37
- Material: linen
- Culture: Dynasty 14 - 17, Pan Grave Culture
- Period: Second Intermediate Period
- Excavator: Guy Brunton
- Dated: 1773 - 1550 BC
- Object name: linen fragments
- Dimensions: Length: 146mm , Width: 70mm , Depth: 3mm
- Published references: Brunton Mostagedda p 133 pl LXIXA
- Site: Mostagedda
- Latitude: 27.083333
- Longitude: 31.383333