Ancient Egyptian mirror from Abydos dated 2055 – after 1650 BC

Circular copper alloy mirror, with tang to attach to a handle.

Object details

  • Reference: BOLMG:1922.16.15
  • Material: copper alloy
  • Culture: Dynasty 11 - 13
  • Period: Middle Kingdom
  • Excavator: W.M.F. Petrie
  • Dated: 2055 - after 1650 BC
  • Object name: mirror
  • Dimensions: Length: 185mm , Width: 185mm , Depth: 2mm
  • Published references: Petrie W M F Tombs of the Courtiers and Oxyrhynkhos 1922 1925 pl.XVI
  • Site: Abydos
  • Latitude: 26.185
  • Longitude: 31.918889