Plain ivory handle with small circular flat base flaring to oval sectioned body. With hole cut into handle at top to receive tang of mirror. Hole filled with remains of resin, soil and sand. Fine polished ivory. Split into two sections down the length.
Piece one has the accession number on the end. Piece two has site details on the end.
Object details
- Reference: BOLMG:1923.21.49
- Material: ivory
- Culture: Dynasty 19, Ramessid Period
- Period: New Kingdom
- Excavator: Guy Brunton
- Dated: 1295 - 1186 BC
- Object name: mirror handle
- Dimensions: Length (piece 1): 137mm , Width (piece 1): 52mm , Depth (piece 1): 21mm , Length (piece 2): 139mm , Width (piece 2): 52mm , Depth (piece 2): 19mm , Length: 138mm , Width: 53mm , Depth: 28mm
- Published references: Brunton Qau and Badari III pp.18 - 20
- Site: Qaw el Kibir
- Latitude: 26.9
- Longitude: 31.516667