Ancient Egyptian pottery cone from Mahasna dated 4000 – 3500 BC

One of two pottery cones, orange-red ware with limestone inclusions and with exterior surfaces coated with a dark red slip. Just above the base/lip each cone has a row of holes pierced through the fabric approx. 10 mm apart. Use unknown – pointed hollow cones of this type suggested as plugs to stop holes in water skins.

Ancient Egyptian pottery cone from Mahasna dated 4000 – 3500 BC

Object details

  • Reference: BOLMG:1909.76.4.2
  • Material: pottery
  • Culture: Amratian Period, Naqada 1
  • Period: Predynastic Period
  • Dated: 4000 - 3500 BC
  • Object name: pottery cone
  • Dimensions: Length: 47mm , Width: 46mm , Depth: 44mm
  • Published references: Ayrton & Loat, El Mahasna pp.12,28,pl.XIII,4.
  • Site: Mahasna