Ancient Egyptian tongs from Amarna dated 1352 – 1336 BC

Copper alloy tongs (pincers), with the points formed into human hands. Probably used in home religious rituals for placing incense on a heat source

Object details

  • Reference: BOLMG:1927.33.10
  • Material: copper alloy
  • Culture: Dynasty 18, reign of Akhenaten
  • Period: New Kingdom
  • Dated: 1352 - 1336 BC
  • Object name: tongs
  • Dimensions: Length: 195mm , Width: 30mm , Depth: 10mm
  • Published references: Frankfort H & Pendlebury J D S City of Akhenaten pl.II plan 2 1933 p.23 - 24 pl.XXXIV no.1 p.83 house T Hardwick in AkhĂ©naton et NĂ©fertiti Soleil et ombres des pharaons exhibition catalogue Geneva, 2008 p. 217 cat 100 P Lacovara in
  • Site: Amarna
  • Latitude: 27.645197
  • Longitude: 30.896483