Ancient Egyptian inscribed red quartzite fragment from Amarna dated 1550 – 1295 BC

Red quartzite fragment with hieroglyphs in sunk relief. The original edges are preserved on the top right hand side, and bottom of the piece. The bottom has an incised band, heaven sign. Perhaps the piece was part of a statue base. The upper face preserves part of two columns of text, the left hand one bearing part of a cartouche. The right hand column has been cut back and recarved, in a shallower text. Part of the original text is visible nhh d_t. Early twentieth century paper label adhered to the fragment, states in black ink, Akhenaten I. LIX 40.

The translations are, left column …W n R P3, right column ..f mrit.f Mrit-itn.

Ancient Egyptian inscribed red quartzite fragment from Amarna dated 1550 – 1295 BC

Object details

  • Reference: BOLMG:1923.19.2.20
  • Material: red quartzite
  • Culture: Dynasty 18
  • Period: New Kingdom
  • Excavator: C.L. Woolley T.E. Peet
  • Dated: 1550 - 1295 BC
  • Object name: inscribed red quartzite fragment
  • Dimensions: Length: 123mm , Width: 54mm , Depth: 36mm
  • Published references: Peet T E and Woolley C L The City of Akhenaten 1 1923 p 152 - 3 pl LIX 40
  • Site: Amarna
  • Latitude: 27.645197
  • Longitude: 30.896483